Community Navigation

How it Works

Our community navigation program is a referral and resource program. The purpose of this program is to direct parents to resources in the community that requires more intensive intervention services than we can offer.
We accept referrals from any source by phone, email, mail, or in-person to help parents and their families. After a referral is received, the next step is a consultation meeting with a representative, at this point information is collected so we can better serve the family. The parent will be asked a series of questions that will help us to better serve the immediate concerns of parents, with a comprehensive plan for resources. The one-on-one consultation process with parents take approximately 60 minutes to complete, and can be done in our office, by phone, or by Zoom, whichever method is most convenient for the parent. Our main goal is to develop a plan that is attainable and will produce progress for families.
To learn more about our Community Navigation program or to make a referral call us at 980-229-7253, email us at info@trustedparents.org, or just click the button.